Dr. Talat Habib

Drug Addiction Treatment Specialist
National Trainer on Drug Addiction Treatment
Project Director
Dr. Talat Habib, Project Director and founder of Nishan Rehab International, Pakistan. He has graduated from Sindh Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan. Previously he worked as Medical Doctor, working in drug addiction treatment field for last couple of decades. Dr. Talat is recognized drug addiction treatment professional in Pakistan. His organization is providing drug addiction, alcoholism, and attitudinal healing services in the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad, and also in Multan. Nishan is the only organization in Pakistan working on attitudinal healing and is one of the criteria, our treatment results are satisfactory. Dr. Talatโs trainings are based on guidance of Hazelden, USA including intervention, assertiveness, tough love, crucial conversations, NLP and 12 Step Model addiction treatment. He has trained a team of professionals who are well equipped to provide corporate training.