Life Law #1: You either get it, or you donโt.
Strategy. Become one of those who gets it.
Life Law #2. You create your own experience.
Strategy. Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life.
Life Law #3: People do what works.
Strategy.- Identify the payoffs that drive your behavior and that of others.
Life Law #4. You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.
Strategy. Get real with yourself about your life and everybody in it.
Life Law #5. Life rewards action.
Strategy. Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger.
Life Law #6.โ There is no reality; only perception.
Strategy. Identify the filters through which you view the world.
Life Law #7. Life is managed; it is not cured.
Strategy. Learn to take charge of your life.
Life Law #8. We teach people how to treat us.
Strategy. Own, rather than complain, about how people treat you.
Life Law #9. There is power in forgiveness.
Strategy. Open your eyes to what anger and resentment are doing to you.
Life Law #10. You have to name it before you can claim it.
Strategy. Get clear about what you want and take your turn.
Then hold on as Dr. McGraw takes you on a guided tour of your life to truthfully label the problems and causes that control your destiny. Life Strategies will give you the most honest explanation of your life and how you got where you are. Dr. McGraw is results based and measures success in terms of changed lives, not rhetoric. This book is a plaintalk, entertaining way to learn to take control of your life, right now.
In the book, the author describes the ten Laws of Life that every person needs to know. These laws are like the laws of gravity โ they exist, and you donโt get a vote. Learn them, use them, and improve virtually every aspect of your life, from work to home to spiritual to physical. Ignore them and youโll continue to pay the price.
Author Phillip McGraw gets you not to just give lip service about being accountable, but shows you how to be accountable and how to do it effectively. With a seven-step process for achieving your goals, Dr. McGraw shows you how to strategically control your life, rather than continue as a frustrated passenger.
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